1.15. Repair of a head of cylinders
- The special tool 09221-32001, 09221-11000 in the sequence shown in the drawing for 2–3 passes turn out bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders.
- Special adaptation 09222 - 28000, 09222-28100 squeeze a spring of the valve and remove crackers from a valve core. Slowly release adaptation squeezing a spring and remove a valve spring, a plate springs and the valve from a head of the block of cylinders.
For storage of valves prepare the numbered plastic bags or containers. |
- Passatizhami 09222–29000 remove a maslootrazhatelny cap.
Do not reuse a maslootrazhatelny cap. |
Head of the block of cylinders
- Examine a head of the block of cylinders on absence of damage, cracks, leak of oil and cooling liquid. If necessary, replace a head of cylinders.
- Remove scale, sealant and a deposit. Compressed air blow channels for lubricant.
- Metal ruler and the probe in six A, B directions... check planeness of a head of the block of cylinders. If necessary, pereshlifuyta head of the block of cylinders.
Standard deviation from planeness: less than 0,03 mm. Maximum permissible deviation from planeness: 0,05 mm.
- Wire brush clear the valve.
- Examine each valve on existence of wear, damages and deformation in zones A and B and, if necessary, repair or replace it. If the end face of a core is corroded or worn-out, as required restore facets. This restoration has to be limited to the minimum removal of metal.
Also check thickness of working edges.
Thickness of a working edge of the valve:
Inlet valves: 1,15 mm:
- l engines 1,8 and 2,0: 1,15 mm; - engines of 1,6 l: 1,1 mm.
Final valves:
- l engines 1,8 and 2,0: 1,35 mm; - engines of 1,6 l: 1,3 mm.
Maximum permissible thickness of a working edge of the valve:
Inlet valves: 0,8 mm; Final valves: 1,0 mm.
Valve spring
- Examine each spring of the valve on lack of cracks and damages. Measure spring length in a free state.
- Establish a spring on a flat horizontal surface and measure a deviation of the top part of a spring from the vertical plane.
L engines 1,8 and 2,0
Spring length without loading: 48,86 mm
Spring length under loading of 18,3 kg: 39 mm
Spring length under loading of 40,0 kg: 30,5 mm
Spring tolerance from the vertical plane: no more than 1,5 °
Maximum permissible deviation of a spring from the vertical plane: no more than 3 °
Engines of 1,6 l
Spring length without loading: 44 mm
Spring length under loading of 21,6 kg: 35 mm
Spring length under loading of 45,1 kg: 27,2 mm
Spring tolerance from the vertical plane: no more than 1,5 °
Maximum permissible deviation of a spring from the vertical plane: no more than 4 °
The directing valve plugs
Check a gap between a core and the directing valve plug. If the gap exceeds maximum permissible value, replace the directing valve plug with the plug of the increased repair size.
L engines 1,8 and 2,0
Gap between a core and the directing valve plug:
Inlet valves: 0,02–0,05 mm
Final valves: 0,035–0,065 mm
Maximum permissible gap between a core and the directing valve plug:
Inlet valves: 0,1 mm
Final valves: 0,13 mm
Engines of 1,6 l
Gap between a core and the directing valve plug:
Inlet valve: 0,03–0,06 mm
Final valve: 0,05–0,08 mm
Maximum permissible gap between a core and the directing valve plug:
Inlet valve: 0,1 mm
Final valve: 0,15 mm
Plug-in saddle of the valve
Check a valve saddle for existence of an overheat and violation of the working surface contacting to a plate of the valve. If necessary repair or replace a valve saddle.
Before replacement or repair of a saddle of the valve check wear of the directing valve plug. If the directing plug of the valve is worn-out, replace it.
Replacement of a saddle of the valve
Any plug-in saddle of the valve which is worn out to a limit needs to be replaced at the room temperature with cutting of a wall, as shown in the drawing. |
- After removal of an old saddle of the valve it is necessary to chisel a nest under the increased valve saddle size. The sizes for processing are specified in the table.
The increased sizes of a plug-in saddle of the valve of engines 1,8 and 2,0 l3
Size tag
Height of a saddle, mm
Diameter of a nest in a head of cylinders, mm
The saddle of the inlet valve increased by 0,3 mm |
The saddle of the inlet valve increased by 0,6 mm |
The saddle of the final valve increased by 0,3 mm |
The saddle of the final valve increased by 0,6 mm |
The increased sizes of a plug-in saddle of the valve of engines of 1,6 l
Size tag
Height of a saddle, mm
Diameter of a nest in a head of cylinders, mm
The saddle of the inlet valve increased by 0,3 mm |
The saddle of the inlet valve increased by 0,6 mm |
The saddle of the final valve increased by 0,3 mm |
The saddle of the final valve increased by 0,6 mm |
- Heat a head of cylinders to temperature of 250 °C and press a new saddle of the valve of the repair size. At a press fitting the saddle of the valve has to have room temperature.
- After installation of a new saddle of the valve it is necessary to execute grinding in of the valve. Width of a working facet of a saddle of the valve has to be within technical requirements.
Width of a working facet of a saddle of the inlet valve:
- l engines 1,8 and 2,0: 1,1–1,5 mm; - engines of 1,6 l: 0,8–1,2 mm.
Width of a working facet of a saddle of the final valve: 1,3–1,7 mm
Replacement of the directing valve plug
- Using adaptation of 09221 - 22000 A/B to a vypressuyta the valve plug from a head of cylinders towards the block of cylinders.
- Put the new directing plug of the valve of the increased repair size to an opening of a head of cylinders.
- The device for installation of the directing plug of the valve 09221-22000 A/B press the plug in a head of cylinders. Adaptation provides a plug press fitting on strictly certain depth. Measure a vystupaniye of the top part of the directing valve plug from a head of cylinders. Pay attention that vystupany the directing valve plug variously for inlet and final valves.
- After a press fitting of the directing plugs of valves insert new valves and check a gap.
- Check every time when replacing of the directing plugs of valves and, if necessary, replace saddles of valves.
The increased sizes of the directing valve plug
The increased sizes
Size tag
Diameter of an opening in a head of the block of cylinders
- Before installation clear all details.
- Apply a thin film of engine oil on all surfaces of sliding.
- Establish a spring saddle. Using special adaptation 09222 - 22001, establish a maslootrazhatelny cap.
- Do not reuse old maslootrazhatelny caps.
- The wrong installation of a maslootrazhatelny cap adversely influences its working edge due to eccentricity and leads to leak of engine oil via the directing valve plugs.
At installation be careful not to overwind a maslootrazhatelny cap.
- Oil a valve core engine and install the valve. At installation of the valve do not make great efforts not to damage a maslootrazhatelny cap. Check smoothness of movement of the valve.
- Establish springs and holders of springs. Springs need to be established by the party enameled to holders of springs.
- Special adaptation 09222 - 28000, 09222-28100 squeeze a spring. Establish crackers and remove the special device for compression of a spring.
At compression of a spring be convinced that the maslootrazhatelny cap is not clamped by the device for compression of a spring. |
- Clear all privalochny surfaces of the block of cylinders and a head of the block of the cylinder.
- Check existence of marking on laying of a head of cylinders.
- Establish new laying of a head of the block of cylinders so that the surface with marking was directed to a head of cylinders.
- In the sequence shown in the drawing tighten bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders.
Moment of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders of engines 1,8 and 2,0 of l
M10: 25 N • to tighten m on a corner 60–65 ° to tighten on a corner 60–65 ° M12: 30 N • to tighten m on a corner 60–65 ° to tighten on a corner 60–65 °
Moment of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders of engines of 1,6 l:
30 N • to tighten m on a corner 90 ° to weaken all bolts of 30 N • m to tighten on a corner 90 °