11.8. Check of components of the automatic transmission (F4A42)
Check of the sensor of provision of a butterfly valve
The sensor of provision of a butterfly valve is the variable resistor rotating with an axis of a butterfly valve and transferring information on the basis of which the ESM block defines when the butterfly valve is closed, completely open or is in intermediate positions.
The sensor is rigidly connected to shaft of a butterfly valve. Depending on the provision of a butterfly valve sensor resistance changes.
Check of the sensor of temperature of oil
- Remove the oil temperature sensor.
- Measure resistance between the oil temperature sensor socket 1 and 2 plugs. Resistance:
16,7–20,5 kOhm at 0 °C, 0,57–0,69 kOhm at 100 °C.
Check of the sensor of speed of the car
- Remove the sensor of speed of the car and connect resistance of 3-10 kOhm, as shown in the drawing.
- Turn a shaft of the sensor of speed of the car and check that there is tension between the 2 and 3 plugs (1 turn = 4 impulses).
Check of the relay of management of A/T
- Remove the relay of management of A/T.
- Crossing points connect the 2 plug of the A/T relay of management to the negative plug of the battery and the 4 plug of the relay of management with positive () the battery plug.
- Check conductivity between the 1 plug and the 3 plug of the relay of management of A/T when crossing points are connected and disconnected from the battery.
At connection of crossing points between plugs of the relay there has to be a conductivity. At a detachment of crossing points between plugs of the relay there should not be a conductivity.
- If results of check negative, replace the relay.
Check of the solenoidal valve
- Uncover the valve case.
- Disconnect sockets from each solenoidal valve.
- Measure resistance between the 1 and 2 plugs of each solenoidal valve.
Solenoidal valve of coupling of the shock-absorber: 2,7–3,4 Ohms at 20 °C Solenoidal valve of low transfer and transfer of a backing: 2,7–3,4 Ohms at 20 °C Solenoidal valve of the second transfer: 2,7–3,4 Ohms at 20 °C The solenoidal valve of the lowering transfer: 2,7–3,4 Ohms at 20 °C The solenoidal valve of the raising transfer: 2,7–3,4 Ohms at 20 °C
- If resistance of the valve differs, replace the solenoidal valve.
Check resistance of solenoidal valves, connecting an ohmmeter to contacts of the socket. |
7 and 10
Valve of coupling of the shock-absorber |
2,7–3,4 Ohm at 20 °C
10 and 6
Valve of low transfer and transfer of a backing |
9 and 4
Valve of the second transfer |
9 and 3
The valve of the lowering transfer |
9 and 5
The valve of the raising transfer |