11:27. Removal and installation of the A4AF3 transmission



  1. Turn out a drain stopper and merge in suitable capacity gearbox oil from the transmission.
  1. Remove the air filter.
  1. Disconnect the socket from the switch of ranges of the transmission.
  1. Disconnect the solenoidal socket and the socket from the oil temperature sensor.
  1. Remove a cable of management.
  1. Remove a clip of a cable of management.
  1. Disconnect a hose from the oil heater.
  1. Disconnect the socket from the speedometer sensor.
  1. Remove forward wheels.
  1. Remove a starter.
  1. Turn out the top bolts of fastening of the transmission.
  1. Remove supports of forward brakes.
  1. Disconnect the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draft from a rotary fist.
  1. Remove the sensor of speed and turn out bolts of fastening of a forward rack to a rotary fist.
  1. Remove a power shaft and turn off a nut of fastening of the left nave.
  1. Support by special adaptation the engine so that the weight of the engine was perceived by adaptation.
  1. Remove a transmission arm.
    1. Turn out a bolt of fastening of a support.

b. Turn out (left) bolt from a body.

c. Turn out (top) bolt from a body.

  1. Remove a forward roller stopper from the lower frame.
  1. Remove a back roller stopper from the lower frame.
  1. Uncover a bell casing.
  1. Turn out bolts and remove the plate closing the hydrotransformer.
  1. Turn out bolts of fastening of a plate to the block of cylinders.
  1. Establish a jack under the lower frame.
  1. Turn out the lower bolts of fastening of the transmission.
  1. Remove the forward muffler.
  1. Turn out bolts of fastening of the lower frame.
  1. Establish a jack under the transmission.
  1. Turn out the lower bolts of fastening of the transmission.
  1. Remove the transmission.



  1. Install the hydrotransformer on a forward part of the transmission and install the transmission to the engine.

If to install the hydrotransformer at first on the engine, at installation of the transmission the sealing ring of the transmission can be damaged.

  1. Establish a cable of control of the transmission and adjust as follows.
    1. Move the lever of the selector and the switch of ranges of the transmission to situation N and establish a cable of control of the transmission.
    2. At connection of a cable of management to the establishing transmission arm, establish a clip so that he contacted with a cable of management.
    3. As adjusting nut choose any free wheeling in a cable of management and check that the lever of the selector moves smoothly.
    4. Check that the cable of management is adjusted correctly.