- Disconnect, first of all, a wire from the negative plug of the rechargeable battery, then – from positive. Remove the rechargeable battery and a support of the battery.
- Turn out a drain stopper and merge in suitable capacity gearbox oil from the transmission.
- Remove the air filter.
- Disconnect the socket from the speedometer sensor.
- Disconnect the socket from the switch of ranges of the transmission, the solenoidal socket and the socket from the oil temperature sensor.
- Disconnect a hose from the oil heater.
- Remove a cable of management.
- Disconnect the cardan hinge of a shaft of a steering column from steering transfer.
Note position of the cardan hinge of a shaft of a steering column and a shaft of steering transfer. |
- Disconnect a hose from the pump of the amplifier of steering.
- Disconnect a returnable hose from the oil pump of the amplifier of steering.
- Turn out the top bolts of fastening of the transmission.
- Support by special J28467-B, J28467-125 adaptation the engine so that the weight of the engine was perceived by adaptation.
- Remove forward wheels and supports of forward brakes.
- Disconnect the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draft from a rotary fist.
- Remove the sensor of speed and turn out bolts of fastening of a forward rack to a rotary fist.
- Remove a transmission arm.
- Turn out a bolt of fastening of a support.
b. Turn out (top) bolt from a body.
c. Turn out (side) bolt from a body.
d. Turn out a side assembly bolt of fastening of the transmission.
- Remove a forward roller stopper.
- Turn out a bolt of fastening of a support.
b. Turn out (top) bolt of fastening of a stopper.
c. Turn out (lower) bolt of fastening of a stopper.
- Remove a back roller stopper.
- Turn out a bolt of fastening of a support.
b. Turn out a bolt of fastening of a stopper.
- Remove a power shaft.
- Turn out bolts and remove the lower frame.
- Support the transmission by a jack.
- Turn out the lower bolts of fastening of the transmission.
- Turn out bolts of fastening of the transmission to the engine.
- Remove the transmission from the car.