5.1.13. Modulator of management of the frequency of rotation of a bent shaft of the engine idling (ISC)

The modulator of management of the frequency of rotation of a bent shaft of the engine is idling executed with two coils which are run by the separate setting cascades of the control unit of the engine. Depending on the impulse given on them, balance of forces of magnetic field of two coils brings to various angles of rotation of the modulator.

The modulator is installed in the air channel making a detour of a butterfly valve. At the expense of a transmission of additional air the modulator regulates the frequency of rotation of a bent shaft of the engine idling.



  1. Disconnect the socket from the modulator of management of idling frequency.
  2. Measure resistance between socket plugs. Resistance between plugs 1 and 2: 10,5–14 Ohms Resistance between plugs 2 and 3: 10–12,5 Ohms at 20 °C.
  3. Connect the socket to the modulator of management of idling frequency.