5.1.11. Sensors
The sensor of absolute pressure in an inlet collector (MAR)
Arrangement of elements of fuel system in the car with engines of 1,6 l and 1,8 / 2,0 l
The sensor of absolute pressure in an inlet collector represents the sensitive variable resistor. It measures pressure in an inlet collector which changes depending on the operational modes of the engine and is transformed to tension.
The sensor is also used for measurement of atmospheric pressure at start of the engine and provides power setting at different heights above sea level. Power supply of the sensor is carried out of 5 V. On the basis of information from the sensor the control unit of the engine regulates amount of the fuel given to the engine, and also changes an ignition advancing corner.
- Connect the voltmeter between MAR sensor socket plugs 1 and 4.
Contact 1: "Weight" Contact 4: Positive tension
- Measure tension.
Output tension at the included ignition and the idle engine: 4–5 V Output tension at an idling frequency: 0,5-2,0 B
- If the output tension of the sensor differs from demanded, replace the sensor.
The sensor of temperature of the air (IAT) coming to the engine
The sensor of temperature of the air coming to the engine is built in the sensor of absolute pressure and represents a thermistor which resistance changes depending on temperature. The ESM block considers a signal of the sensor and corrects width of the impulse given on nozzles therefore the amount of the fuel given to engine cylinders changes.
Check of the sensor
- Measure resistance between sensor socket plugs 3 and 4.
Resistance, kOhm
0 °C
20 °C
40 °C
80 °C
- If resistance of the sensor differs from demanded, replace the sensor.
Sensor of temperature of cooling liquid (ECT)
The sensor of temperature of cooling liquid is installed in a head of cylinders and controls temperature of cooling liquid and transmits a signal to the control unit of the ESM engine. As the sensor the thermoresistor which is sensitive to changes of temperature is used. Electric resistance of the thermoresistor decreases at increase in temperature.
On the cold engine the ESM block works in the mode of an open loop therefore in cylinders of the engine richer fuel-air mix moves and idling rotation frequency increases. It proceeds before achievement by the engine of normal working temperature.
- Remove the sensor from an inlet collector.
- Heating a vessel with water and the sensor located in it, check its resistance.
Resistance, kOhm
– 30 °C
– 10 °C
0 °C
20 °C
40 °C
60 °C
80 °C
90 °C
- If resistance of the sensor differs from demanded, replace the sensor.
- Apply on a sensor carving LOCTITE 962T sealant or equivalent.
- Screw the sensor and tighten it the moment given in the specification. Inhaling moment: 15–20 N • m.
- Connect the socket to the sensor.
Sensor of provision of a butterfly valve (TP)
The sensor of provision of a butterfly valve is the variable resistor rotating with an axis of a butterfly valve and transferring information on the basis of which the ESM block defines when the butterfly valve is closed, completely open or is in intermediate positions.
The sensor is rigidly connected to shaft of a butterfly valve. Depending on the provision of a butterfly valve sensor resistance changes.
- Disconnect the socket from the sensor of provision of a butterfly valve.
- Measure resistance between plugs 2 (weight) and 3 (power supply) of the socket of the sensor. Resistance: 0,7–3,0 kOhm.
- Connect an ohmmeter to plugs 2 (weight) and 3 (a sensor exit) the sensor socket.
- Slowly open a butterfly valve and be convinced that sensor resistance smoothly changes in proportion to opening of a butterfly valve.
- If resistance of the sensor differs from demanded or changes in steps, replace the sensor. Inhaling moment: 1,5–2,5 N • m.
Sensor of position of the camshaft (CMP)
The sensor of position of the camshaft develops impulses in VMT of the piston of the first cylinder in a compression step on the basis of which the ESM block calculates the sequence of work of system of injection of fuel.
Sensor of an angle of rotation of a bent shaft (CKP)
The sensor of an angle of rotation of a bent shaft, consists of a magnet and the coil and is located about a gear wreath of a flywheel. The sensor transfers to the ESM block information on an angle of rotation of a bent shaft (position of the piston). On the basis of information of an output signal of this sensor the ESM block calculates the frequency of rotation of the engine and the provision of a bent shaft.
Check (1,6 l of I4)
- Disconnect the socket from the sensor of an angle of rotation of a bent shaft.
- Measure resistance between contacts 1 and 2 sockets of the sensor. Resistance: 0,486–0,594 kOhm at a temperature of 20 °C.
- If resistance of the sensor differs from demanded, replace the sensor. A gap between a rotor and the sensor of an angle of rotation of a bent shaft: 0,5–1,5 mm inhaling Moment: 9–11 N • m.
The warmed sensor of oxygen (HO2S)
The warmed sensor of oxygen defines concentration of oxygen in the fulfilled gases and transforms to tension which transfers to the control unit of the ESM engine.
Tension at the exit of the sensor is equal to 500 mV if fuel mix is richer in relation to theoretical and tension is equal to 100 mV if fuel mix poorer (higher concentration of oxygen in the fulfilled gases). On the basis of these data the control unit of the engine changes a fuel ratio in toplivnovozdushny mix.
- Before check warm up the engine until temperature of cooling liquid is not equal to 80-95 °C.
- Measure by the exact digital voltmeter the output tension of the sensor.
- Disconnect the socket from the sensor of oxygen and connect the voltmeter to the oxygen sensor socket.
- Changing the frequency of rotation of a bent shaft of the engine, you will measure the output tension of the sensor of oxygen. If the output tension of the sensor differs from demanded, replace the sensor. Inhaling moment: 50–60 N • m.