- Before installation of a nozzle clear the interfaced surface of a head of cylinders and the surface of consolidation.
- Insert a brush.
- Clear the surface of consolidation.
- Establish a new copper sealing ring. For deduction of a ring on a nozzle it is possible to use a small amount of lubricant.
- Establish a nozzle, at the same time do not concern a spray tip, and the sliding clip with a tightening bolt.
- Screw tightening a bolt. Inhaling moment: 27±2 N • m.
- Install the pipeline of high pressure. Inhaling moment: 18–23 N • m.
- At installation of the pipeline of high pressure for an exception of its twisting by a key record a six-sided element of the pipeline.
- Attach connection of the pipeline of return of fuel. Never establish it without clip.
- Having pulled back, check reliability of fastening of the pipeline of return of fuel.
- Connect the electric socket to a nozzle.
- Connect a wire to the negative plug of the rechargeable battery.
- Start the engine and check lack of leak of fuel.
- Check and erase the codes of malfunction of a fuel nozzle which are written down in memory.