Merge cooling liquid to the level located below the thermostat.
Remove the union of an input of cooling liquid and laying.
Remove the thermostat.
On a thread suspend the thermostat in a transparent vessel with water. Insert the thermometer into water, heat a vessel with water and watch the thermostat valve. Determine temperature of the beginning of opening and full opening of the valve of the thermostat.
Petrol engines
Temperature began opening of the valve of the thermostat: 82 °C. Temperature of full opening of the valve of the thermostat: 95 °C.
Diesel engines
Temperature began opening of the valve of the thermostat: 83,5–86,5 °C. Temperature of full opening of the valve of the thermostat: 100 °C.
Install the thermostat so that the valve for removal of air correctly settled down in a nest. If the thermostat is installed in the wrong situation, its working capacity can be broken.
Establish new laying and the union of an input of cooling liquid. Inhaling moment: 20–25 N • m.
Fill in necessary amount of the required cooling liquid in the cooling system. Launch the engine and check lack of leaks from the cooling system.
Moment of an inhaling of the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid: 20–40 N • m.