4.3. Check of a cover of a radiator under pressure


  1. Through an adapter fix a radiator cover on the test device for check of a cover of a radiator.
  1. Increase pressure before movement of the valve of a cover.

Petrol engines:

Pressure of opening of the main valve: 83–110 kPa
Pressure of opening of the vacuum valve: –7 kPa

Diesel engines:

Pressure of opening of the main valve: 107,9±14,7 kPa
Pressure of closing of the main valve: 83,4 kPa

  1. Make sure that the valve opens and closed in the specified limits.
  2. Replace a radiator cover if the valve opens and closed behind the specified limits.

Before check be convinced that the cover pure and on it is absent the rust and foreign impurity breaking its work.